Saturday, 16 February 2013

A Little Bit of Italy...

Happy Saturday everyone and what as Saturday it is! A gorgeous sunny day, the doors and windows are open (complete with duvets hanging out of them!) and I've a day of wedding admin, or "wedmin" as we like to call it, plus I've got some great music playing in the background!

The sunny weather has reminded me of last year's lovely weeks in Italy, a nice little spot myself and the other half have found to hang out on the Tuscan / Umbrian border but we also spent time in Venice, Abruzzo, Rome and Lake Garda.

I found some great venues for weddings whilst we were there and some superb musicians to play at theme too so if you're thinking of marrying in Italy just get in touch for some ideas and gems of inspiration. But what about if you can't afford to travel to Italy, why not bring some of the culture to your wedding day with some fabulous Italian music. 
The home of so many great composers, including Antonio Vivaldi who wrote so much music played at weddings and the home of amazing musicians including singers who so many of us love to listen to such as Andrea Bocelli. I've just had his 'Con te Partiro' on full blast which is a real treat, especially this live version here from "A Night in Tuscany," oh how we could all do with a night in Tuscany right now!

Aside from the fact the song translates as Time to Say Goodbye, this song is special to so many couples as it's the epitome of romance, I know it's a favourite of my brother and sister-in-law who got married in 2011.
In fact, I'm really excited as they still haven't had their honeymoon yet what with one thing and another but we've clubbed together and sending them to our little piece of Umbrian perfection this Summer; so exciting!

Preparing for the Opera in Rome 
Other great music for your church service with an Italian theme could include music from the opera. We went to watch the wonderful outdoor performance of Bellini's 'Norma' in Rome last Summer, but Verdi's 'Grand March from Aida' makes an amazing entrance for any bride (in fact my Mum had it when she married in 1999!).

How about a great Tarantella to get everyone up dancing in the evening or emulate the relaxing feel of life in Italy with an amazing and subtle mandolin or guitar playing during the wedding breakfast, bringing images of the Amalfi coast.

A singer to sing some of the great traditional Italian songs heard at weddings in Italy, such as 'O Sole mio,' 'That's Amore,' 'Ti Amo,' and 'Buona Sera.'

Enough for now but I'll leave you with a few more images from one of the most romantic countries in the world.

Tabby xxx

The Romance of Venice
The Wonder of Rome

The Vatican
Churches of Umbria

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